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  1. hikariflowers Feb 09, 2015

    Helllo everyone~ If there's anyone interested, part III of my AsuCaga analysis is up here:

    Let me know what you think :)

    merged: 12-19-2015 ~ 06:33pm
    Helllllllo! Here's the last part of my AsuCaga analysis!

    Thanks for the support guys! I've noticed quite a few people come from here to my site, very appreciative of that!

  2. LadySnickerdoodle Mar 08, 2014

    I've been having way too many Asucaga feels lately....... I keep trying to escape because for some reason it's too real for me. Like no other love story....... and the Gundam Seed fandom just keeps dying, and Fukuda and his wife just keep failing........ Too many Asucaga feels, you feel me?

    merged: 03-22-2014 ~ 09:15pm

    Quote by LadySnickerdoodleI've been having way too many Asucaga feels lately....... I keep trying to escape because for some reason it's too real for me. Like no other love story....... and the Gundam Seed fandom just keeps dying, and Fukuda and his wife just keep failing........ Too many Asucaga feels, you feel me?

    Still having a lot of asucaga feels. And then I went back to watch the AMCs bored and sleepy uploaded, and they had been taken down.... and then I found them on my hard drive and watched them, and now I am crying, because OMG Athrun and Cagalli are perfect together.

    merged: 03-26-2014 ~ 09:20pm
    I'm thinking the best thing for my health at this point is to just pretend that Destiny didn't happen. It was just a really terrible fanfiction.......

    merged: 04-08-2014 ~ 05:28pm

    Quote by kio13

    Quote by Raidow
    It's been confirmed that Athrun and Cagalli DID NOT SEPERATE. Athrun did NOT get together with Meyrin! This is official!

    The creator of Gundam Seed and Gundam Seed Destiny made an appearance on television apologizing for not making it clear that Athrun had returned to Cagalli at the end, wearing an Orb Admiral uniform.

    Besides, interview with Naomi Shindou (who voiced "Cagalli Yula Athha") said: "... However, according to the director (Mitsuo Fukuda), he said that was the speech from the representative head's standpoint. Cagalli approaching Meyrin "Please take care of Athrun", for Meyrin, it was "You will be fine to get on the Archangel". It seems Cagalli, as the representative head, helped Meyrin by providing her whereabouts, isn't it?"

    This is a great news!
    I read somewhere that movie will be out in 2012 but I think this isn't an official source. When I found this link again, I'll show you. What's new about Morosawa's disease? I hope she will recover soon :( Of course, not only for the movie...

    Found this post from 2011, hoping for a movie in 2012..... It's 2014 now........ dead......

  3. hikariflowers Jan 24, 2014

    Hi everyone :) There's an analysis on AsuCaga, if anyone's interested:

    merged: 02-20-2014 ~ 12:02am
    Seems like there were many interested folk for the first part but a warning that there will be no mention of unquestionable love soo...if that bothers you, it's best not to read ;) Part II this way:

  4. sunnysadaf Dec 12, 2013


  5. kio13 Dec 03, 2013

    Very nice art! *-*

  6. toumarie Apr 17, 2013

    My newest art +___+ xD~

    Our adorable twin by Athrun and Cagalli by toumarie
    Our adorable twin by Athrun and Cagalli by toumarie

  7. Ethiwen Dec 29, 2012

    Hey AsuCaga fans :) Guess what, the AsuCaga fanlisting is back online and is under my management :) and it's TAFL-approved! Go to to join =)

  8. kawaii89 Nov 14, 2012

    Lovely couple...Cagalli & Athrun ever.... (>_<)

  9. kio13 Nov 11, 2012

    Enjoy *O*

  10. Ethiwen Nov 03, 2012

    There's a surprise in the GS remastered series for episode 46: Day of Wrath. Go and see; you'll definitely like it :D

  11. megalvez May 12, 2012

    Hi there, its been a long time. anyway i'm here to ask a favor! if someone knows how to read japanese, could you translate some of fukuda's tweet on twitter he seems to be talking about some ASUCAGA stuff.

    I'm totally okay if you're against it or thinks its eavesdropping or something and if you don't want to its okay. I just thought that maybe we could hear what he thinks of ASUCAGA in the director's point of view...I don't intend to read his other conversation. only the parts where he talks about cagalli and athrun. THANK YOU :)

    and GS remaster is already on episode 22 and 23..lots of asucaga scenes. :) better watch out for that!

  12. Ethiwen May 05, 2012

    wow, i havent visited this group in so Im glad that the AsuCaga flame hasn't died out yet :) Does anyone happen to know what's happening with this so-called movie I've been reading about?

    btw, I just resurrected my AsuCaga fansite: Hibiscus-->
    Hope you all will take the time to visit :D

  13. Lunariha May 04, 2012

    My Newest Vector: Just Realized

  14. hiranera Apr 30, 2012

    Quote by LunarihaTHANK YOU for the welcome, andou-san! ^___^

    btw, here's my latest AsuCaga vector
    My Newest Vector: Just Once...
    Enjoy! :)

    Wow so much prettiness! :'D

  15. Lunariha Apr 29, 2012

    THANK YOU for the welcome, andou-san! ^___^

    btw, here's my latest AsuCaga vector
    My Newest Vector: Just Once...
    Enjoy! :)

  16. andou-mahoro Apr 22, 2012

    Five new members~ Welcome aboard ^_^

  17. Lunariha Mar 07, 2012

    Hi there fellow AsuCaga fans! hehe
    I would really love to join the group :) I really hope you guys could see this message soon.'s my vector-wall that I'd love to share with you guys!
    Really hope you like it!

  18. rizacaga Mar 06, 2012

    could you please tell me what is fukuda's twitter?

  19. 1234567890qaz Dec 04, 2011

    wow it's a long time since i posted sorry i'll try be here more loll XP

  20. Raidow Dec 03, 2011

    thanks for sharing the pictures!
    and as far as the officialness of the artwork is concerned, well we'll see that if changes have been made during SEED HD (mainly about AthCaga), it just means that we have been backstabbed :/

  21. kio13 Dec 02, 2011

    I don't know but usually the SEED Stage's images, published on the Japanese monthly "Gundam A", are officially approved images from Sunrise but drawn by different artists, such as the Lacus one, illustrated by Arina Tanemura, that I posted before ( ç_ç.

  22. rubenz Dec 02, 2011

    Hmm I think the picture with Meyrin is not official art or something, the face looks different IMO. Looks like other artist drew them.

  23. kio13 Nov 30, 2011

    I found out these images from the remastered opening:
    Unfortunately I don't know if they're fake or not, sorry é_è
    However I think they're not a fake.

    merged: 12-01-2011 ~ 07:14pm
    I'm sorry for the double post but...take a look here: it's original, from SEED Stage, the same that sometimes post new images of the characters for example these:

    So, why is Meyrin with Athrun? ò___o

  24. hiranera Nov 28, 2011

    Wow the pic *speechless* so freaking excited! Thanks for sharing! :'D

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